miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Fashion - Conversation

Fashion - Conversation

A: Hi Geoel are you free? Let´s go shopping.
B: Isn´t urgent really?
A: I need to buy a jacket because I have a party.
B: Ok let’s  go.

A: Look at this jacket in the sale rack. Isn´t it stylish?
B: I think it is not appropriate for the party. This jacket is more usefull than the other one.
A: Yes, Do not you think is pretty?
B: Really and this color is in fashion.
A: Oh I like this color. Do not you think it is nice?
B: Well, but I am not sure.
A: OMG. I can not decide.
B: For me the second jacket is better for you.
A: OK I agree with you.

B: Ok let´s paid for it.

Carla Guillén R.
Geoel Tapia 

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